Protein and Training

Protein is an important nutrient to repair your wear and tear.  Although there are many school of thoughts about protein, that it should be animal based for more strength and energy.  However, we sometimes overlook the power of plant based protein.  Protein not only helps to repair our muscle tissue but also required in the maintenance of a wide array of bodily functions: preserving the right amount of bone mass, strengthen the immune system, provide strength and also prevention of fatigue.

Breaking down the components of protein

Protein consist of 20 different amino acids, 11 can be synthesised naturally by our body, which means to be able to be formed into new substances for the body.  These are the essential amino acids which the health supplement shops will tell you to purchase.  These essentials protein amino acids are important for us to carry out all the bodily functions required.   The 9 amino acids that humans cannot synthesize are

Phenlylalanine: found in spirulina and other seaweed, pumpkin, beans, rice, avocado, almonds, peanuts, quinoa, figs, raisins, leafy greens, most berries, olives, and seeds.  This acid aids in the formation of Thyroxine and thyroid functions.

Valine: found in beans, spinach, legumes, broccoli, sesame seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, soy, peanuts, whole grains, figs, avocado, apples, sprouted grains and seeds, blueberries, cranberries, oranges, and apricots.  This acid is optimal for muscle growth and health.

Threonine: Threonine can be found in watercress and spirulina (which even exceed meat), pumpkin, leafy greens, hemp seeds, chia seeds, soybeans, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and sunflower butter, almonds, avocados, figs, raisins, quinoa, and wheat.  It helps to support good immune health, heart, liver and also nervous system.

Tryptophan: Tryptophan can be found in oats and oat bran, seaweed, hemp seeds, chia seeds, spinach, watercress, soybeans, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, parsley, beans, beats, asparagus, mushrooms, all lettuces, leafy greens, beans, avocado, figs, winter squash, celery, peppers, carrots, chickpeas, onions, apples, oranges, bananas, quinoa, lentils, and peas.  It aids in relaxing the mind and body.

Menthionine: This acid can be found in sunflower seed butter and sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, Brazil nuts, oats, seaweed, wheat, figs, whole grain rice, beans, legumes, onions, cacao, and raisins.  It helps to form cartilage in the body.

Leucine: seaweed, pumpkin, peas and pea protein, whole grain rice, sesame seeds, watercress, turnip greens, soy, sunflower seeds, kidney beans, figs, avocados, raisins, dates, apples, blueberries, olives.  This acid helps to induce overall growth of the body and repair of cells, it also help to regulate the blood sugar.

Isoleucine: rye, soy, cashews, almonds, oats, lentils, beans, brown rice, cabbage, hemp seeds, chia seeds, spinach, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, cranberries, quinoa, blueberries, apples, and kiwis.   It helps to produce red blood cells and produce energy.

Lysine: beans (the best), watercress, hemp seeds, chia seeds, spirulina, parsley, avocados, soy protein, almonds, cashews, and some legumes with lentils and chickpeas.  This aids the proper growth and the production of carnitine( which is a nutrient responsible for converting fatty acids into fuel to lower cholestrol).

Histidine:rice, wheat, rye, seaweed, beans, legumes, cantaloupe, hemp seeds, chia seeds, buckwheat, potatoes, cauliflower and corn.  This acid helps transport neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) to the brain and also helps overall muscle health within each muscle cells.

The above are the alternative vegetarian sources for absorption of the 9 essential There are some of these acids are found more in plant based food stuff.  Reason being simple, plants are essentially what most herbivores or omnivores consume to get their energy, however, those carnivores will not be able to obtain these acids and therefore their bodies will be lacked of these nutrients.  This is where we will need to supplement from either taking supplement pills and tabs etc or we have to consume plants that have these essential amino acids.



It might seem confusing to finding so many types of plant source for these essential amino acids.  In general, just make sure that you take a good mixture of nuts and grains.  Don’t forget a good mixture of greens ( especially the dark greens).  Beans and legumes are also very good sources.

Plant based protein shakes are also fast and easy alternatives for busy personnel who need to juggle between work, training and family life.  There are many types available around, but not all are suitable for you.  These protein shakes are also not that cheap.  Therefore if possible, do get some sample try outs to check on the taste and suitability for your body especially when you are the type with more sensitive digestive systems.  Personally, I really like the Nutrilite ( TM) All Plant Protein Powder.  Somehow my body can absorb these nutrients fast and well.  When I take this powder, it makes me less lethargic and tired.  Because of my work schedule, I cannot always get very balanced and good diet.   I rely a lot on supplements and powder to get what I need.

Maintaining a Alkaline state

With all the free radicals and pollution that we face everyday, the level of acidity in our body builds up.  Many of you might have heard about it.  Acidity in the body causes fatigue, restlessness, inflammation and weight gain.  Kidney disorders and tumour cell growth.  These can all lead to cancer too.  Which is why we must ingest the right type of food and drink loads of water to flush out the toxins.  Keeping a proper digestive system will help you to keep all the free radicals at bay.  As far as possible, keep alcohol and cigarettes far from you.

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