Macritchie 25 Runners Ultramarathon 2024

This year I did the qualifying on 23 Aug 2024.  To speak the truth, I am not sure whether I can still qualify with just five rounds, but my speed was a little bit faster than others, so I felt that there are still some chances.  The qualifying is for top 6 participants with the most rounds followed by the best timing.  The six from each category will then be invited for the final show down on 27 Dec at MacRitchie.

Having taking up the pacing duties for Running Department’s collaboration with Singtel Race against cancer 2024.  The race will take place on 29th Sep as such there will be trainings wed and sat.  To speak the truth, I wanted to do the qualifying as early as possible before going for the 2 road marathons in Oct/Nov.

MR in the morning

After much consideration I decided to do it the second last week of Aug.  Originally I wanted to chose a Thursday but due to some work commitment I had to shift it to Friday.


usual bak gwa

Biscuit from office

I did not really prepare much for this one as it was like an own time own target affair, furthermore, MacRitchie comes as no surprises.  But thinking of doing so many loops does kind deter me a bit.  I was also thinking that since this time the lockers can be rented with a key for only $2, maybe I can just come back to the locker and have some freshen ups.  At the same it is like a short rest after every round.  But judging from the hot weather, I thought it might be good to just carry the hydration to hydrate more.  I must say as you start to do more of the activity, it becomes not so fearful after all.  So this time I really did not plan much.  In fact for the nutrition, it was just some simple left overs which I packed from home, the usual Bak Kwa and some Julie biscuit which I took from the office.

“Race” Proper

The beginning of the loop

Waking up a bit later than usual, I walked to the bus stop and took the 165 to MR.  The bus ride was pretty fast, Go Gink was the shop where we get the $2 locker.  From there, I put my stuff and proceeded to the start point for the first round.  The first round was not that good, I wore the knee guards because I was kinda worried about falling.  I do not want to hurt myself alone in MR.  Somehow the legs being bound feeling was not too comfortable.  After the first round, I took off and had a ten min rest at the locker area.  Its a good thing that there were some metal benches for me to rest there near the lockers and it was clean.

Taking pic at the PUB pump room always my fav its about 6km here


Somehow the second and third round were better, I did not rest too much for the second round maybe I was getting used to it.  Just filled up the water bag and continued on to my 3rd round.  Actually, my legs were feeling pretty tired, so I decided to strategise by running on runable parts while walking faster up hill.  It was still a good strategy till the fourth round, I was walking quite a lot.  It started to drizzle at the fourth round and sky looked pretty dark and cloudy.  Good thing is , at least it will not be that hot and there were some wind.  I also put some talcum powder on the feet area after the third round, somehow it helped because I am getting sweaty these days and the powder helped to make the feet less wet.

lunch break


Getting the stuffs


Was glad that I chose a weekday for this because the morning crowd was already out by 9 plus 10 am.  It was pretty empty by noon.  I actually broke my lunch to two parts, the third and fourth round.  Somehow, at the middle of fifth round after ranger station, I managed to pick up some energy and began to run faster.  I was able to sustain till the Southern trail, the strategy started again walking uphill and running along flats and downhills.

Finishing it up

Happy fifth

When I touched back the last round I was really quite relieved.  Originally wanting to do 6 rounds, I was glad I did not as I was really pretty tired , glad thing was that I did not have any really strong pain except for the left hips and also the side of the knee.  This is the same pain that I had before so it was not so tough to accept it.


Call it a day

The shower is always good at MR , the cold splashing water and putting on the talcum powder.  I lingered a bit to let the hair dry taking a breath also.  It started to rain when I left, quite lucky as I did not bring umbrella.  Overall, I felt this run was nice and I enjoyed the sweat it out, kind of like a detox for me also, however, I felt that the timing could have been better.  Not sure if I will want to do it again, but if I do this time I will really attempt for at least 6 rounds.


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