Sundown Marathon 2019

A race that most Singaporeans anticipate and for newbie marathoners, definitely a must do.  The Sundown marathon takes participants racing through the night in Singapore and till the dawn breaks the next day.  Having participated it many years back, my last race was 2017.  I felt that I needed to give it a break because it is really too torturing for me not to sleep 😛


Asics Relay Singapore 2018

Asics Relay 2018

Another one of those Ekiden races well liked by Singaporeans.  This year the race venue is at the Palawan Beach, Sentosa.  Participants can chose to do the half marathon or full marathon distances divided among four runners.  For the registration, just one of the team mates can sign up and pay for all online and there will be an invitation sent out for the rest of the participants.


Car Free Sunday Singapore

Been quite a while since we got back, the bad news was our site actually got hacked and it took sometime to get it restored and back in action.  Still a noob in website management, I admit there are still much to catch up with the digital age.  Just as we are on the topic about digital age, the wide use of computers and digital devices has somehow caused many of us to be less sporting and more like a potato couch at home.
