Protein and Training

Protein is an important nutrient to repair your wear and tear.  Although there are many school of thoughts about protein, that it should be animal based for more strength and energy.  However, we sometimes overlook the power of plant based protein.  Protein not only helps to repair our muscle tissue but also required in the maintenance of a wide array of bodily functions: preserving the right amount of bone mass, strengthen the immune system, provide strength and also prevention of fatigue.


Blood Sugar and You

What is Blood Sugar?

It is the level of sugar or glucose ( the most simplified form of sugar ) transported in your blood stream to supply energy to all the cells in your body.  These sugars are made from the food we eat.  The human body regulates blood glucose levels so that it will not be too high or too low, which is resultant in the ability to perform in your day to day tasks.  Glucose is the main energy for your muscles, metabolism and brain.  After you eat, the glucose enters the bloodstream fast and cause an increase in your blood sugar level.  The pancreas then revs its production of insulin, a hormone that helps the cells absorb glucose and use it to function.


Boost up your energy level without having to eat more

Often we feel tired and lethargic. Your energy level is governed by the source in your cell called Mitochondria. These cells are responsible to convert the food into Adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ). How well we recover from exercises, burn energy, and also the ability to focus is also determined by the efficiency of these[…]