Rayong Marathon 2017

Joining the Rayong Marathon is actually not part of my plan for this year.  Went to Thailand only once this year for the Koh Chang Marathon, I felt I need to do one more in Thailand.  It is always enjoyable to race in Thailand because as usual the race is relatively cheap, with good after services and many good after rest and relax.

Busy Bangkok : First Stop To Rayong


One North Run 2017

The North Run 2017 was held in the One North area, Bouna Vista on 5th Nov 2017 ( Sunday). Categories are 5k, 10k, and kids dash with parents of 800m.
Its been sometime since I took part in Singapore races, the last one was POSB kids run in September. My results was not what I had expected, but it was a nice run with my Tortoise running club friends.
This time round for the North Run was because it is near my neighbourhood and it is about one of the cheapest runs I can find in Singapore.


Car Free Sunday Singapore

Been quite a while since we got back, the bad news was our site actually got hacked and it took sometime to get it restored and back in action.  Still a noob in website management, I admit there are still much to catch up with the digital age.  Just as we are on the topic about digital age, the wide use of computers and digital devices has somehow caused many of us to be less sporting and more like a potato couch at home.



After my fall last year, my running alignment has been greatly affected and has not been able to get back to a good form.  Although I do practice yoga once a while but never thought that it can actually help to improve my back condition.  Actually practicing yoga helps not only with your body alignment and increase flexibility, it is also good for better posture and breathing.

Here are some of the Yoga poses which I found was really useful to alleviate your back pain, especially so for the modern office workers.


The Most Beautiful Thing 2017

In The Beginning

The longest distance that I have done in a real race so far is a full marathon.  The Thailand Ultramarathon, which I wanted to do the 50km race, had been cancelled due to the King’s death.  Nevertheless, I went for the trip since everything has been arranged.  Fortunately, I met a fellow countrymen there, and also at the lodge itself, we met a couple of others who were there to just “run the place”.  So technically speaking, I do know what the taste of ultra is like.  To speak the truth, I personally feel a full marathon is not that tedious but of course, I am still unable to run that distance everyday.  So physically I was able to finish a 50km rather comfortably.


Tibet Kora at Mt Kailash 2017

This trip was really done out of some crazy idea.  One night when I could not fall asleep ( do not know why as I am always easy to snooze), I youtubed for “Holy Mountains in the World” , and turns out Mt Kailash or in Tibetian: Gang Ren Po Che, shot up to be one of them.  I never knew such a mountain existed.  I have always wanted to visit Tibet for its Potala Palace, but now it is becoming a very commercialized place.


Calf Strains and Pains

Been a long while since I experience serious pain from running.  Been trying a lot on short distance speed running lately.  The first strain came when I was doing speed work just last week at the tracks.  Doing the Pyramids ( 400m , 800m, 1200m at maximum effort ) and coming down.  I broke around the fourth set.  The pain is something really new to me as I had always been very careful not to over exert, even during longer races, I had hardly experience such form of pain.


Pole Dancing – Lyrical Pole Dance at Slap

Taking running off the menu for the time being since I already did 5 marathons for this half of the year. June has passed rather quickly, taking a break from all the hurt that I had done to my legs, I realised that my old injury which occurred while in my Jakarta race last year had not been fully recovered. Since Ijen, which is my last race at the end of May. Though the race was not considered too tough to many, but I guess I was already getting a bit tired about running, so just enjoying every bits of the trail as I could.
