Skechers Friendship Walk 2024 ( Run)

Signing up this one again this year because it is cheap! Also part of me was hoping to get the “podium” last year because not many competitors and all thought it was supposed to be a walk, just like my perception.

This race always have a happy vibe, because it is not so stressful as most of the participants were seriously there to walk.  But actually my main idea to join the race is because, it is really cheap.  10KM race in Singapore.   The average cost of Singapore races for a 10Km now is roughly ranging from S$40-S$50.  For this race, the cost after subsidizing is $30! The goodie bag is also very bountiful with event tee, a Skechers bag, zappy wet tissue and some pamphlets for discount.

After last year’s surprise win, I thought maybe this year I can continue to enjoy the lucky feat.  But when I went to collect the race pack at Novena square, just a week before the race, I realise that this year there will definitely be competition because the bib has time chip on it while last year it doesn’t.

Race proper

Start Line

The race this year took place in the afternoon.  I do not really like races in the evening and stuff.  It kinda wasted my day if I really adhere to my race mode.  Also mentioned many times before, I am more of a morning person and wish to do everything in the morning before the rest at night.

Before race shot

However, thinking that it is a ten K, I went for a short ride and a loop around Macrithie.  After which my pacer , Richard said was a no no.  It has been a long time since I raced a crazy ten K, maybe it is not that crazy for many but at least it is for me.

When some K pop ambassador came by!

Starting from Kallang Wave mall, the route was my usual Monday tortoise running route, only it extended another 1 km out to gardens by the bay before U turning. I managed to get Richard to pace me this time which is really rare as he is really way too fast for me.  Glad he is willing to slow down and make sure I complete.

Flag off was 5:30 PM on 8th June 2024 a Saturday afternoon.  When I arrive at the OCBC square which is just outside of the Kallang wave mall, there were already quite a lot of folks in this year’s running jersey playing the games.  There are 5 games in total and you just need to play one to qualify for the lucky draw where the grand prize is a year of free shoes from Skechers.

Suddenly I saw a lot of flashy people streaming in and they are the high notes in the running society, inclusive of my little sister friend, Mei hui and her hubby, Li Jing Jie and also Chong Yee.  Immediately, I know this race is no joke.   Indeed, the runners were all pretty fast people and there were not that many of them.  I guess all were here to try their best for the podium.  To speak the truth the podium is really good with cash prize and shoes, definitely a draw for all

Flagging Off

So we stood somewhere about 10 m from the start line, I did not want to stand too near the start feeling a bit stressed.  The flag off was on the dot 05:30 PM.  Heart rate started to go up as we rushed out from the start line.  I went very fast for the first 1Km, and after that I lost it.  Richard was ahead of me and I tried to keep beside him.  He did slowed down a bit for me, as I was nearing the Barrage bridge, I was really quite burnt out but at the same time getting used to the pace.  Pushing down the barrage was the next water point, I did not bring any hydration this time so I stopped for a quick drink.

Then we proceeded off to the U turn point which is furtherdown from the Cloud Dome.  After the U turn I was getting more used to this speed, this was when Richard signalled me a 4.

I was wondering what it meant then he said I am number 4, I wanted to push a bit more to hit the podium so I could also share my rewards with Richard.  But I was all out, I was really unable to go on further and I was having stiches, I tried very hard to push but I really couldn’t.

There was one tattoo guy who was ahead of us mostly but we managed to shake him while turning back.I saw Jing Jie uturn way before me then it was Chong Yee.  I was not too far.  On the way back I was just thinking how to finish and complete this as soon as possible.  Then back at the bridge to the finish line the 4km folks started to flood the place.  Richard had to shout for them to keep to their lane, there was one guy behind me doing the same also.  We finally managed to get back and I really was fourth.  But I clocked a much better timing 45:23 Nett time.

After Math

I was all out and tired but thank god I was able to walk around and was sweating all over.  Me and Richard just played some games and I collected the Marigold drinks and also Sun Pride banana.

Over all the event was very well organised except for the ending hiccup, I was also able to get a good shower and locker service at the Kallang Water Sport centre too.  I guess this will be my yearly affair to put in my best 10 K!






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