Income Eco Run 2024

After the 70.3, somehow I felt something amiss about my vibes, maybe I am taking things too hard.  When I signed up for this one, I was still thinking whether to do it.  I have a habit when I sign for races, I must do my very best unless it is a free bib.

Thinking that doing Back to back will be okay for me, but turned out I actually hit the wall this round.  After coming back from Ironman, I was taking a break and going slow especially for running, as I really felt pain and strain.  Not sure how long this time will last, injury are always so irritating to grapple with but yet we have to live with it.

Signed up this run around March because I thought it was pretty good price, with the Passion card I only paid $30 and some more company credits can be used for this.  However, after signing up, I realise that the payment was only for a small bib and e cert which I felt could be a bit not so worth it.  Sally has helped me to collect the race bib this time round.  The bib was really cute and small, in a way it is good so the tortoise on the tee shirt can be seen.

Race Day

With Sally and friend

Cameo shot by Kevin Ho

Jumping straight to the race day on 26th May 2024.  The route was mainly PCN from the Marina Barrage, good thing about this race is that it starts on top of the Barrage with a good view of the night scene of the bay area.

I had mistaken the race start to be 4:30 am and I woke up at 3am thinking originally to cycle there but aborted the idea as it was drizziling.  Another thing was that I wasn’t feeling that well. Thinking that driving there will be better.  I reached way too early and saw national runner Jasmine Goh.  We were chatting and it was from her that I realised that the race start is actually 5:30am.  So no choice we had to wait.  Actually one thing I hate to drive is because of paying the carpark, call me a cheapo but I always felt that carpark is like the most useless fee to be paid as no service is given only to prevent you from getting summons from the traffic police.

Running shots special photo

As I did not have any drop bag, I lingered around to wait for rest of the Tortoise club runners to show up. Rand and Robin came next while Sally overslept but managed to come in time with her friend to the start point.  There were ample toilets and it seemed like there will be a fair going on after the race.  I also met Sam at the start line, he likes to go to the front of the line so I did not join him as I was feeling rather sluggish. I turned out to be in the second wave.


Picture from U run I shoot gallery

I kinda remember the route in my head.  The PCN route went to Tanjong Rhu and back then towards the Kallang side turning into the Kallang river park and Marina bay sands before u turning back to the Barrage.  Some how my condition was not too good, I was able to sustain till around 13km and I started to felt sharp pain on the left foot, not sure was it due to the type of Vibram but recently I kept having the left feet pain and it caused other problems up the left leg.  Furthermore, the right glutes was reacting again.  From the beginning I already had the strategy to run and rest at every water point.  Which fortunately, this race has one at every 2.5Km.

From the Tanjong Rhu portion I was chasing a lady who had a boyfriend as her support, in the beginning I could over take her but it got harder and harder.  Eventually before the Flyers I gave up.

Was huffing and puffing when I could finally see Sam at the u turn of the Pomontory.  I tried to push a bit more and I could feel the legs really sore.  Then at the Art science Museum I saw the Running Shots guy.  I perked myself up for a Cameo moment. Dashing across but later it turned out the photo could see a very jaded me.


The finishing was in the barrage itself, was quite happy that the torture is over and I felt my legs a bit sore from it all.  Maybe its a wake up call, but in any case I felt its time to let go and rest more.  Wanted to hang around the festive market at the end but didn’t do so as the items all need to be paid.  We were given a banana , water and Isotonic at the finishing line.

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